Healthy Living Through Social Media

A blog about how people are using the internet to get healthy.

Skip the Gym, Hop Online February 28, 2010

Filed under: Diet and Fitness — maggiehagan @ 11:18 pm
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During the freezing, snowy winters here in Geneseo, NY, sometimes the last thing I want to do is bundle up and walk to the gym. But I also know that if I don’t exercise during the winter, I’ll regret it once bathing suit season rolls around. The great thing is, the internet makes it possible to exercise even without going to a gym. You can avoid all those membership fees, long lines, and smelly cardio rooms by working out in the comfort of your own home–or in my case, dorm room.

Watch and Learn

I’m terrible at trying to follow fitness routines in magazines, so videos work great for me because I can see exactly how to perform exercises properly. The first place I usually search is YouTube. There are tons of free fitness videos, including many from real personal trainers. You can easily find videos that require only basic equipment like hand weights. I love using these videos for exercises with weights because the weight room at my gym tends to be male-dominated and a little intimidating. Here’s a video I have found to be effective featuring a short, tough ab workout:

DailyBurn is another great resource for exercising without the gym. You can subscribe to exercise programs that are working for others or customize your own. The site also features a huge library of exercises with video instruction.

Find a Fitness Buddy

Once the weather gets warmer, you can still use the web for exercise–just move your routine outside. Sites like IntroPlay and FitLink allow users to meet up with people in their community in order to train together, organize sporting events, or find a workout buddy. I usually like working out on my own best, but these sites would be great for anyone seeking motivation or companionship while working on their fitness goals.